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“I wish…”

April 17, 2015 at 06:30


38 in stock

SKU: 417wishHM Category:


Event starts 6:30 PM
Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the session, present your receipt/gift certificate/voucher at the reception desk and get signed in.
Grab your apron and get ready to paint.
The painting will start promptly at 6:30 PM  and will be a 2 hour session.  We look forward to having you for a great evening of fun and creativity!
Please be sure to check your email for your confirmation page immediately after placing your order.  If you do not receive an email , please contact us.  You will need to bring a copy of this email to class (a hard copy or on your phone).  The order number from your confirmation is required when you sign in at the studio.
**wine, beer or non alcoholic beverages  only**
Event Fee: $35